We hope to see you at our 5th Annual Springtime Market, June 7 from 11 am to 5 pm at the Church of St Stephen-in-the-Fields at Bellevue and College, in Kensington Market.
Artists, illustrators, photographers and graphic designers, making fine art, paper goods and handbound books: gotomago, minouette, GreenBeanThings, dothandmade, thunderpeep, SproutsPressDesigns, TanyaHarrisonPhoto, and MarsDesignStudio
Fashion and accessories designers and makers, for women, men and babies: owlswakeup, DesignedToLife, jool, YourHeartsHaven, ShocoRoco, MashaApparel, wintergarden and MaybeByCatalfo
Jewellery makers: CandiWareJewelry, LandfillDesigns, MicheleGuevera, DestellosGlassArt, LisaYoungDesign, folditcreations, and StrayandLinger
Soap and Beauty product makers: BakedSoapCo, aidebodycare, and Sudsatorium
Quilters: QuilterSteff and FabriArts
Organic seed purveryor: Cubits and Organic Pet Food Maker: HouseOfCat!
We are planning some fabulous FREE workshops suitable for all ages including Basic Knitting, Knitting Patterns, Debugging and Problem Solving and Button & Fabric Hair Barrettes taught by TEST's own Glenda of wintergarden and Steff of quiltersteff