We hope to introduce you to all the great etsy sellers to be found right here in Toronto. Here at the T.E.S.T. blog, we plan to interview them all. This is the 18th in our series, an interview with Sara of mrhandsomeface.
Tell me where you got your name? I giggle everytime I say Mr. Handsomeface.I have 2 adorable kitties and I love them to bits! Anybody who is a cat person knows this; sometimes the cuteness of a cat can make you say silly things. I call it Kitten Talk, it's similar to Baby Talk.
'Mr. Handsomeface' is just one of the many nonsensical things that has come out of my mouth in the presence of a kitty.
Have you always been into stationery? Do you do other "crafty" things?
I started to get into stationery and wedding invites about 3 years ago when I made the invitations for my wedding. I also made the programs and thank you cards. I had so much fun doing it that I didn't really want to stop. I bought a couple books on Illustrator, a new printer, an industrial paper cutter and I was on my way! But I've always been a crafty person. I also sew, crochet and cross stich. I'm the type of person with a hundred of half-finished projects in my closest!
Have you been in any local shows or craft fairs? Which was your favourite event?I haven't actually had much experience with craft shows! I had a table at a Christmas Craft Show this past year. It took place in the head office of the company I work for. It went pretty good, but it was stressful! I'd like to try another one sometime. I hear there's a
TESTy show coming up in April!! :)What is your favourite season; why? :)
Summer! Wedding season! I seriously love weddings. Which is why I think it's awesome when I get to be a small part of someone's wedding with my invites or stationery. It means so much to me when people choose one of my invites for the most important party they will probably ever throw. I also love brides (and grooms!) who are into having a more off-beat wedding. Your big day is supposed to be fun! If being all proper and formal isn't your thing, then you shouldn't have to do that!
Summer is also a great time to take pictures. I'm just getting into photography, very very new in fact, but I love to walk around Toronto on a summer day with my camera around my neck. It's such a beautiful city and I think it really comes alive in the summer.
What advice would you give to someone who has yet to have a sale on Etsy?
I know everyone says this, but just keep at it. Running an Etsy store is an ongoing process. I'm constantly trying to improve my photos, come up with new designs and get more active in the Etsy community. It takes time, but I think the most important thing is that you love what you are selling. If you're really proud of your work, others will see that. Also, make sure you show your buyers the person behind the Etsy store. That's one of the awesome things about buying handmade, you know there's a real person who put a lot of love into what they're making.
Where do you see Mr. Handsomeface in 5 years? What is your "dream" for Mr. Handsomeface?
My absolute dream would be to work on
Mr. H full time. I have so many ideas and so many things I want to create and just not enough hours in the day. It would be my dream job to make wedding invitations all day. I know I have a lot more to learn about design before I can turn that dream into reality, but it's always something that's in the back of my head. I'm also trying to keep better track of my sales and expenses. This year I started putting all my numbers into a spreadsheet so I can see where I stand. I gotta tell ya, it's surprising me so far!
Can we see pictures of your cats? :)I'm glad you asked. Look at those
Mr. Handsomefaces!!
You can find more of Sara's work in her etsy shop Mrhandsomeface and you can follow her on twitter. Interviewed by Emma of LandfillDesigns in March, 2011.
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